Options window
From options window you can enable Bells & Whistles to insert a greeting, change the email format, insert a signature, set the send account and many more. This window can be opened with Options button from Bells & Whistles toolbar in Outlook main window.
The settings are organized in five groups. To switch between groups click on the name listed on the left side:
- Mail: control the changes made by Bells & Whistles while editing emails.
- Alerts: get notified before sending emails without a subject or missing an attachment.
- Notes: configure notes.
- Outlook Tweaks: various tweaks to Outlook functionality.
- Troubleshooting: set the log level or enable workarounds for existing issues.
If you want to have different settings for Bells & Whistles when using multiple Outlook profiles use Enable options per Outlook profile option. Outlook must be restarted after changing this setting.