Metrics report viewer
The metrics report viewer is opened automatically after creating a new report with New Report option from the sub-menu under My Metrics button in Bells & Whistles toolbar. Open Report(s) option from the same sub-menu can be used to load reports metrics in report viewer.
Metrics report viewer must be closed before creating another report or opening a saved report.
The date interval set for Metrics period in metrics settings is displayed at the top of the window followed by general stats about the total emails sent/received and the busiest hour/day. Each chart selected in metrics settings can be viewed by clicking its tab. At the bottom, the report viewer includes a list showing the emails Bells & Whistles found while gathering metrics data.
Traffic chart shows the number of emails (vertical axis) over the time interval (horizontal axis) selected for the report. The data is displayed in two series: received emails (in red) and sent emails (in blue). The units used on the horizontal axis can be configured by selecting an option in Time unit at the top of the chart: hours, days, weeks and months. If there are too many data points displayed in the chart (especially when using hours or days time units) you can zoom-in by click and hold down the left mouse button on the chart and drag the mouse to the right. To zoom-out use the button of the bottom-left corner of the chart. The exact value for a data point will be displayed in a tooltip while hovering the mouse cursor over it. Clicking on the chart will filter Emails list to show the emails counted for that data point.
Day Hours Traffic
Shows aggregated email traffic for each hour of the day in two series: received emails (in red) and sent emails (in blue). The exact value for a data point is displayed in a tooltip when hovering the mouse cursor over it. Clicking on the chart will filter Emails list to show the emails received or sent in that hour.
Week Days Traffic
Shows aggregated email traffic for each day of the week in two series: received emails (in red) and sent emails (in blue). As with the other previous charts the exact value of a data point is displayed in a tooltip when hovering the cursor over it and clicking on the chart will update Emails list to show the emails counted for that data point.
Top Email Addresses
The list is split in two groups:
- Received: the email addresses that sent you the most emails.
- Sent: the email address you've sent to the most emails.
Both groups show the list of email addresses ordered descending by the count of emails for each entry. Select an entry to update Emails list with the list of emails containing the selected email address.
Top Categories
A list with all the categories assigned to the emails included in the report displayed in descending order. Select an entry to update Emails list with the list of emails having the selected category.
Conversation Stats
Shows the distribution for the conversation lengths. The exact number of conversation for each length is displayed in a tooltip when hovering the mouse cursor over it. Click on a conversation length to show all the emails in those conversations in Emails list.
Reply Stats
Shows how fast the first reply is sent (in blue) or received (in red) in a conversation. The horizontal axis can be configured using the controls at the top of the chart. The Time unit can be set to minutes, hours and days. Increment sets the length for each point on the horizontal axis. The points on the vertical axis represent the percentage from the total number of conversations when Percentages is set to include all threads otherwise when include only replied threads is selected the percentages are computed with the total number of conversations in which a reply was received or sent. Click Apply button to update the horizontal axis after changing these settings.
The percentages for each series will always add to 100 only when Percentages is set to include only replied threads.
The exact value for each data point is displayed in a tooltip when hovering the mouse cursor over it. Click on the chart to update Emails list with the emails in the conversations counted for a data point. A new column (First reply) will be added on the right-side (use horizontal scrollbar if needed) that will show the actual time it took to send or receive the first reply.
Word Stats
Show the percentages for various content lengths in sent (blue) or received (red) emails. The exact percentage for a data point is displayed in a tooltip while hovering the mouse cursor over it. To update Emails list with the emails for each content length click on a data point. A new column (Word count) will be added on the right-side (use horizontal scroll bar if needed) that will show the word count for each email.
Emails Age
Shows how old are the emails included in the report relative to the date set in metrics settings (also displayed above the chart). The horizontal axis can be configured with the controls at the top of the chart. The Time unit can be set to minutes, hours or days. Increment sets the length for each point on the horizontal axis. Click Apply button to update the horizontal axis after making changes.
The exact percentage value for a data point is displayed in a tooltip when hovering the mouse cursor over it. Click on the chart to update Emails list with the emails included for a data point. A new column (Age) will be added on the right-side (use horizontal scrollbar if needed) to show the age of each email.
Emails list
Shows a list with all the emails included in the report. The total number of emails is displayed in the top-left corner. To search for entries containing a given text use Search textbox (press Enter
key after typing the query). The counter on the top-left will update to show the search results. Click Show all to go back to the full emails list. The content in emails list can also be filtered by clicking on the charts.
To open an email double-click on its entry.
Emails can be opened only when viewing the metrics report on the same computer where it was created. The actual email is not saved in the metrics report.
The content of emails list can be saved in a .csv file (Comma Separated Values) by right-clicking in the list and selecting Save email list option from the menu.
Save and Export
If you want to keep the metrics report or export it to Excel use Save Report button. The format used is determined by the file type selected at Save as type in the file selector window:
- Bells & Whistles metrics report with email data (*.bwmdb): the native format used by Bells & Whistles. The metrics reports saved in this format can be reopened using Open report option under My Metrics button in Bells & Whistles toolbar.
- Microsoft Excel Worksheet (*.xlsx): export the metrics report to an Excel file. The general report info is saved in a sheet named Metrics. The data for each chart is exported in a separate sheet named after the chart.
- HTML file (*.html): export the report to a HTML file. Each chart will be saved as an image in the same folder as the HTML file.
Use Email Report to send the metrics report by email. Bells & Whistles will create a new email initialized with the metrics report content (as exported in HTML format).